PDVL scholarship fair 2019 is coming!
It is open to the public for free on 12 April 2019 (Friday) from 9a.m. till 2p.m. in Kong Chen Hall, Chong Hwa Independent High School. This year, the fair has attracted the participation of about 22 prestigious higher education institutions from China and Europe. We welcome parents, students and secondary school leavers to join us.
Senior Middle 2 and 3 students will visit the booths according to the timetable arranged. Other levels of students are free to seek information during recess.
For further enquiries, please contact The Higher Studies and Career Guidance Unit at 03-62587935/7946 ext: 126). Thank you.
2019 PDVL 奖学金教育展即将到来,就在4月12日 (9a.m. – 2p.m.) 于隆中华光前堂展开。现场共有22所中国与欧洲顶尖大学参展。此教育展免费开放给公众参与,欢迎家长与在籍学生或毕业生到场共襄盛举。
欲知详情,请联络本校升学咨询室 (03-6258 7935/7946 ext: 126),谢谢。