Big Science Competition 2022

Year 7 – High Distinction Year 10 – Distinction Year 10 – Credit
许铠盛 林力峰 李家颉
负责单位: 科学科及学术竞赛处
负责老师: 傅蔷蓓老师
比赛名称: Big Science Competition 2022
主办单位: Australian Science Innovations
比赛等级: 全国赛
No 姓名 班级 学号 成绩
1. 许铠盛 初一孝 220078 Year 7 – High Distinction
2. 林力峰 高一理孝 190054 Year 10 – Distinction
3. 李家颉 高一理忠 190045 Year 10 – Credit
比赛简介: The Big Science Competition is a 50 minute, multiple choice competition testing science knowledge, critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. Questions are set in real-life, contemporary contexts, making them relatable (and interesting)!

The Big Science Competition is an easy way to challenge students from Years 7 to 10 and track their performance against state or national averages. This report is only available to schools. Competition questions are aligned with the Australian Curriculum – Science.