负责单位: |
科学科及学术竞赛处 |
负责老师: |
陈嘉欣老师 |
比赛名称: |
Newtonian International Physics Olympiad Challenge (NIPOC) 2022 |
主办单位: |
Organizing Center for STEM Olympiad (OCSO) |
比赛等级: |
全国赛 |
成绩表现: |
Category A |
Bronze Award |
Silver Award |
徐凯文初三忠200047 |
管书睿初二仁210044 |
比赛简介: |
NIPOC is an online international Physics competition. The objectives of the NIPOC are
• Fostering a positive attitude, especially in terms of critical thinking and being scientific through the challenges of solving Physics problems.
• Give birth to the best students in the field of Physics who are ready to compete at the international level.