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Malaysian Earth Science Olympiad (MyESO) is an annual, national school-level competition that introduces earth science knowledge to secondary school and pre-university students in Malaysia. MyESO is a platform to choose the best four students to represent Malaysia in the International Earth Science Olympiad (IESO). Participants from this year’s MyESO will stand a chance to represent Malaysia in IESO 2022 which will be held online, virtually hosted by Italy 24-30 of August.
IESO is an annual competition for secondary school students and was founded by International GeoScience Education Organization (IGEO). It aims to increase students’ interest in geoscience, enhance public awareness towards earth science, and to empower earth science teaching and learning processes at school level. Also, it aims to further foster friendly relationships among young learners from different countries. As of 2021, 42 countries have participated in IESO.