Derived from German word dasein (‘da : za-in) which means ‘existence’ or one’s ‘presence’ –  the word has inspired many famous philosophers, artists, poets, and creative thinkers to discover and re-define the importance of their individual existence.

With that ideal in mind, Dasein Academy of Art was established in 1996 by a team of avid educators and professionals from the industry who aspired to revive the role of creative education from identical qualifications back to the cultivation of individual distinction.

After all, it is through the path of creative thinking and aesthetic learning that one discovers the beauty of one’s existence; and that, is a fulfillment of a lifetime.

The college takes pride in creative transformation via Edu-Mentoring® – essentially a people-centered approach when it comes to guiding and mentoring students on individual development and growth.

Dasein Academy of Art is a boutique art college run by artists for future artists. All our staff are experts in their academic or administrative roles. We deliver specifically tailored courses to small groups of dedicated students, and we focus on unearthing each student’s creative and personal development in preparing them for a multifaceted career.

达尔尚 “Dasein” 这词衍自德国哲学,其含义不断激发许多哲学家、艺术家、作家以及创意思想家去发掘真我,并重新注释自己的存在与价值。

一群热心的教育者和艺术与设计领域的专业人士抱着这份理念,于 1996 年携手创办达尔尚艺术学院。学院的宗旨是要复兴美学教育,建立真率的教务团队,将刻板的倒模式教育注入因“才”施教的创意课程。他们认为杰出的专才必须手脑并用,从思想与品德到知识与技巧,都需具备专业水平,才能满足市场与工作需求之余,还能发挥自身的潜能,为社会作出贡献。美学教育更是能让人通过创意思考来发掘个人真善美的一个终身学习。

