西交利物浦大学(XJTLU,简称“西浦”) 是经中国教育部批准,由西安交通大学和英国利物浦大学合作创立的,具有独立法人资格和鲜明特色的新型国际大学。她是中国目前唯一一所以理工管起步,强强合作,拥有中华人民共和国学士学位和英国利物浦大学学位授予权的中外合作大学。


Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) is an international joint venture university founded by Xi’an Jiaotong University in China and the University of Liverpool in the United Kingdom. As an independent Sino-foreign cooperative university, it captures the essence of both prestigious parent universities and is the first and only one of its kind approved by the Ministry of Education in China.

The University currently offers approximately 100 degree programmes in the fields of science, engineering, business, finance, architecture, urban planning, language, culture and all are taught in English except for general and basic courses. Undergraduate students earn two degrees: an XJTLU degree from the Chinese Ministry of Education and a globally recognised degree from the University of Liverpool. Postgraduate students receive a University of Liverpool degree that is recognised by the Ministry of Education. All academic departments at XJTLU offer PhD opportunities, which help to fulfill XJTLU’s vision of “becoming a research-led international university in China and a Chinese university recognised internationally for its unique features”.